Summer Brew & BBQ Festivals are Here!
Aside from sunshine and Great Lakes water sports, local summer beer and delicious barbecue are probably the next best things about summer. There will be
plenty of both this Saturday at the 2013 Glen Arbor Brew & BBQ Festival!
Home to America’s Most Beautiful Place - the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Glen
Arbor is an quaint little town along the famous M-22 highway, nestled between the Sleeping Bear Bay and the Glen Lakes. The festival promises, "A gathering of Michigan microbreweries, regional restaurants and live entertainment. This is a family-friendly event located just a short walk from Lake Michigan and your favorite Glen Arbor shops and restaurants." While you're visiting the Glen Arbor shops, make sure to stop by Anderson's Beach and Surf , Lake Affect and Bay Wear and pick up a Great Lakes Proud sticker!
The Glen Arbor Brew & BBQ Fest promises to be a good time, but it's definitely not alone. As the popularity and pride in regional microbrews has grown over the last decade, so have the festivities surrounding brewing. Surprisingly, Brew Festivals are typically family friendly as enjoying microbrews is not about drinking more beer, it's about drinking better beer. Microbreweries focus on the artistry and craft of creating their brew using unique regional ingredients. Plus, there's usually lively music, art and other festivities. Find an upcoming Great Lakes Beer & BBQ Festival near you and join the fun!
Upcoming Great Lakes summer festivals for the beer and barbecue lover:

June 15 Dorr County Beer Festival: Bailey's Harbor, Wisconsin
June 15 Bru Fest: Royal Oak Farmers Market
June 15 Dorr County Beer Festival: Bailey's Harbor, Wisconsin
June 15 2013 Michigan Beerfest: Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, Michigan
June 14 - 23 Rochester Real Beer Week: Rochester, NY
June 21-23 Chicago Craft Beer Festival, Chicago, IL
June 22 Founders Fest, Grand Rapids, MI
June 21-29 Lansing Beer Week: Lansing, MI
June 21-22 2nd Annual Summer Beer Fest: Campus Martius Park, Detroit, MI
Brewfest 2013…
Mark your Calendars for Saturday, August 10th from 2-8pm as Michigan brewers share their special brews with you!! Lot of entertainment, food, and fun.
Clare, Michigan